Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yesterday's improvement was to get all the kitchen stuff out of boxes and onto those basement shelves - the stuff that you don't need every day but is still (probably?) worth having, like pitchers and baking pans and the wok.  Today's improvement was to put all the bathroom stuff in the bathroom closet and get everything else out.  

While both of those projects were highly worthwhile, I think Jordan is more photogenic.  Here he is getting ready to go to school on Tuesday, which was Purim.  Kind of the Jewish Mardi Gras.  I did the face painting - not bad, for a first attempt.  I got a great book.  I was hoping to do Aaron too, but there was no way.  Aaron says that himself sometimes -- "No way!"  He also says "Oh, yeah," with the most hilarious intonation, and many more spontaneous multi-word sentences.  His vocabulary is beyond counting at this point.  "Where Daddy go?  Where he go?  Potty!" - and he discovers Dale in the bathroom.  In response to "What did you do at school today, honey?" I got "Aaron paint!"  True, too.  He walks a toy turtle on the wall and says "He climb!  Turtle climb!"  His pronunciation is charmingly idiosyncratic - my current favorite is "Cacayaya" for "crocodile" - but we understand him.

The bread baking continues - the bread is awesome and the system is completely sustainable.  Maybe next I'll work on a whole-grain version.

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