Friday, August 1, 2008

Brother games

Okay, we're back at Glenway, and I confess it's a big step down from Clayborn.  But when we got here, Jordan and Aaron burst into the most hilarious game of chase - Jordan ran all over the house and Aaron did his best to follow him, up and down the stairs, in and out of doors, the works - both of them shrieking and laughing hysterically.  It was one of the first times I've really seen them have an independent game together, except maybe in the back seat of the car.  And maybe it was because there's not much else around here to do (or even bump into).  Perhaps there are advantages to the empty house.

Later, in the bathroom, Jordan had fun climbing into the empty cabinets under the sink, and Aaron had the very funny idea of shutting the doors.  Both loved it.

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