Sunday, August 3, 2008

Floor not ready

Very sadly, we don't get to move back into our house today after all. The floor is not ready. The guy has done the two coats of polyurethane that he said he would do, so it is supposed to be done, and it looks nice from a distance. But it is not beautiful and glossy and smooth under your feet the way a new floor should be. It's rough and sandpapery-feeling. Sergio was very understanding and responsible about it and has agreed to have the floor guy give us another light sanding & coat of poly, which we all think is what it needs. Fingers crossed. That happens tomorrow morning, so maybe we can go back on Tuesday afternoon.

Last night this seemed like a crisis, because I am really dying to go home. This morning it only seems like a setback. And really, this is the only thing so far that hasn't gone according to plan, which is some kind of miracle. Everything else in the house looks fantastic and there are only touchups remaining to be done on the interior. The exterior still has work going on; they expect to be done with that on Thursday.

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