Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's possible.

I remember that in the distant past, I wondered if it would even be possible for our family to show the house in some acceptable state, given the kid situation. I am here to report that it's possible. It's not easy, but it can be done.

A little sign on the front door asks visitors to please keep our cat indoors. (The lockbox reports to our realtor who enters and when. No word yet.)

We keep a few selected toys in baskets that go up to the attic when we leave for the day.

The television is hidden in the bedroom closet. It's sort of like a built-in entertainment center.

The microwave and toaster are stashed in the linen closet, to make the kitchen appear to have some counter space. The rest of the linen closet is our temporary dresser - one shelf per person, with a top shelf for towels.

The toiletries all get stashed under the sink, and the garbage can too so that we don't mindlessly put something icky in it. And don't forget to flush!

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