Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oct 15

That's the latest date that we leave Maryland.  If things line up for us to leave earlier, we will.  We're nearly packed, after all.  But on the other hand there's a lot that still needs to happen before we go...  not only house things (close accounts? rent U-Haul? ship car? sell homes?!?!?!!), but important work things for Dale that need to get done before he leaves or they might not get done at all.   And he defends his dissertation on Oct. 1.

The Oct 15 date is driven by (1) our burning desire to go, (2) an employment matter of Dale's, and (3) the need for it to be fall, not winter, when Dale drives across the country.

It would sure be nice if we had a home to move into at that point.  Kari and Danny have very generously offered for us to stay with them in Sammamish, but obviously that needs to be temporary.  We're getting serious about what's available in Seattle, and asking Bekah and Bob to screen properties for us.

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