Monday, October 20, 2008

First day of school

The kids had their first day at school today, hooray!  We went to Jordan's class first, and his teacher, Michelle, stopped everything to have a circle where the kids introduced themselves.  Jordan's name has been on the attendance list all year already, and there has been much suspense:  when would he come?  was he a boy or a girl?  Everyone was very excited to finally meet him in person.  All the other kids seem very charming and warm, and Jordan seemed very comfortable.  Dale and I left him to do leaf rubbings, and recess, and lunch.  When we checked in on him occasionally he looked like he fit right in.

Aaron fit right in too but he was not okay with our leaving him... ahh, fifteen-month-olds.  We took off for about 45 minutes and during that time he was somewhat unhappy.  When we got back I hung out in his room with him, and as long as I was there, he merrily did what the other kids were doing.  It seems like a great room: there are cooking toys, musical instruments, a light table, floor mirrors, and a giant bin that had recently been full of fall leaves.  Today's activity was painting with foam paints - quite a glorious mess.  For lunch, the little guys sit at a low table with kid-size chairs, not high chairs, which was just completely cute.  Very sorry I didn't bring the camera.

The little kids don't take a morning nap, and the big kids don't nap at all.  This isn't what our kids are used to, but I think they can handle it.  So grown up, my goodness.

School is closed tomorrow and Wednesday for Shemini Atzeret.  That's a downside to a JCC preschool... closed for what are, to me, obscure holidays.  October is the worst.  The good news is they're open for Christmas.

It was a huge relief to have them at school for the morning.  My life has been very kid-centered for a while now, and it'll be very freeing once they're situated.

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