Saturday, October 11, 2008

Loading up, continued

It's possible that we got too small of a truck.  We (meaning Dale) had to work very hard to get most of our stuff in.  (I have been more of a boxer/hauler.)  And some just did not fit, even in the car on the trailer.  But it's an excuse to get new lampshades.  And believe me, if Dale couldn't do it it couldn't be done.  His ancestors were those Egyptians who built walls where you can't slip a knife between the stones.

I tell you what, though, I feel for those Egyptians.  Hauling all those boxes down from the attic on Thursday was totally exhausting.  Friday was more about the psychological difficulty, for me, of how much there still was to do.  And we didn't get it all done on Friday.  The original plan had been for Dale to drop the boys and me off at the airport on Saturday and then leave in the truck, but there was still a lot of work to do after that.  He will leave Sunday.  

We need to remember when we move next:  A sixteen-foot truck does not actually hold all of our stuff (in one trip), and we need three days to load it.  That's after boxing up everything that's not in immediate daily use.

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