Friday, October 31, 2008


Boy, do we know how to have a good time on Halloween.  We went out with Theo in his neighborhood (just a few blocks from us) and the boys had a blast.  They are just all joy and excitement at this age - no self-consciousness, no competitiveness over costumes, no concern about fair candy distribution.  Jordan was a jaguar and for a while he carried a plush duck as prey.  Later, he decided he would not carry the duck, and said, "When I see other children dressed as things a jaguar eats, I will just eat them."  Theo was a robot and had a hilarious stiff-legged robot walk.  Aaron would not let us get anywhere near him with any adornment at all.  Theo's little sister Zoe, though, loved her lion outfit.

The neighborhood here was quite wonderful.  Lots and lots of families, everyone super friendly.  Haddon Drive, we miss you, but this was some serious competition.  

And here's the loot.

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