Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Leaving campus

I left campus today. Goodbye office! I will miss my office. Not aesthetically (it's a pretty horrible little space), but there's a lot of history in there. And in my new place I only have a cubicle. (But I'm lucky to have that, so never mind!)

My former parking garage, the door nearest my office, and the grander door in the front.

The palatial gym, where I have spent many excellent hours.

The student-run vegetarian food co-op, our favorite place to have lunch. "Food for People, Not for Profit" -- Their logo is a clenched fist punching through a sandwich.

Eventually I turned in my parking pass, handed over my keys to the person who gets my office next... and that's it! I had to take the bus home, because my car is gone. It took forever. The University runs this shuttle system, which is increasingly underfunded.

I can hardly be said to be ending my relationship with the University of Maryland - I am still employed there, advise two UM students, and am principal investigator of two grants through there - but this is the most concrete goodbye I'm likely to have.

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