Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hopefully this is the worst of it

The contractors are ahead of schedule, which is good, right? But it means they prepped both bedrooms instead of just one: and the fumes are worse than we had expected. No sleeping in those rooms, and also they're full of tools and so on. So whole back of the house is gone, except we can use the bathroom. On quite short notice, we had to figure out where everyone could sleep. We're all in the basement, with Jordan's mattress next to our bed and Aaron on the other side in his crib. The kids are asleep down there now and we're listening to the sound of the downpour outside, which would be soothing if it weren't for wondering whether the power will go out.

Tomorrow, they paint the back of the house and prep the front. That means that tonight we have to (1) empty the other two closets in the back of the house, and (2) get everything out of the kitchen, including the insides of all the cabinets and drawers and the pantry. And put all that somewhere.

This kind of snuck up on us and the only one to remain calm was Dale. Jordan and I both flipped out over something that should have been minor, which made Aaron cry. We all pulled it together in pretty short order.

Hopefully this is the worst part of the disruption. In a couple of days the bedrooms will be available again, and when they do the floors, we'll be in someone else's house.

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