Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What the boys are up to

Aaron has two reliable words right now: "cat" and "uh-oh." The latter is for when he pulls things down from shelves or drops things over the side of his car seat. He loves this house especially for its stairs. He now quick-marches up the stairs on hands and knees with no hesitation at all. Down is slower than up but he totally gets it, no longer needs me to remind him to go backwards. And no, I do not have a movie of this, because I can't run the camera and also be ready to catch him if he forgets. Maybe later.

I think Jordan is feeling a little neglected because we have to monitor Aaron much more closely than usual (there's no baby gate for those stairs). But he is compensated by the opportunity to wear Alex's dinosaur outfit basically the whole time we're here. The head roars and growls when you push a button on the top. (Behind the fig leaf he is actually clothed, if you call underpants clothes.)

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