Friday, July 25, 2008

We're outta here

The Haddon house has become uninhabitable. Every room is being worked on now. The only movable things remaining upstairs are the couch, the armchair, the refrigerator, and the dishwasher. I cleared out the last few things when the contractors arrived at 8:30 this morning. They moved some furniture into the garage, which was helpful for me and makes their lives easier also. Because I was moving quickly, though, the basement is now an explosion of dresser drawers, clean and dirty laundry, breakfast dishes, and ... well, everything.

The "bedroom" - the bed is under the dresser drawers - those are moving boxes in the back:

The kitchen/nursery (that's kitchen stuff in those bags on the floor):

The pile of stuff for the neighborhood yard sale, on August 2:

I'm pretty much confined to this part of the house because they're sanding upstairs. The work should progress quickly today, with four contractors instead of the usual two. But they're only just starting the kitchen, so things are going to get worse before they get better. Thus we're going to Glenway for the weekend. That is its own form of challenge because that house has nothing in it; but Dale and Jordan loaded up the car this morning with the microwave, the toaster, the cat and his catbox, toys, books, and personal effects, and I'll bring beds and a table and chairs when I go over there today with Sergio for the walk-through.

1 comment:

astrobassist said...

it's starting to look like my place! but i don't have the excuse of moving/painting/anythingbutlaziness...