Thursday, July 31, 2008

Packing up again

Tomorrow morning we have to move again... sigh. I was hoping we could just sleep in our own basement Friday night, even though the house will not be accessible, but then I realized that there would be no shower or kitchen or anything. Also, we don't all go to bed at the same time, and those of us who stay up past 7pm can't exactly hang out in the garage for hours; nor could we go anywhere else. And maybe the fumes would be prohibitive anyway. So back to Glenway we go.

First thing Saturday morning is the yard sale, and I'm SO glad, because it will get so much stuff out of the basement. However, that presents its own logistical challenges, because it means schlepping everyone from Glenway back to here first thing in the morning -- the yard sale starts at 9, which means setup starts at 8. And Aaron takes a nap at 9. Hopefully Mike and Kathryn, who are hosting the sale, won't mind Aaron sleeping at their house. After that I guess we will go back to Glenway for the afternoon naps, at least the kids, and the other adult will stay and do yard sale cleanup.

Sunday we can hopefully be back in the house. We don't know yet if that means they're done on Saturday, or what. I think it depends on how things go, and on the fumes.

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